Structure does not equal formula…

Structure does not equal formula…

Jul 05, 2021

The human brain LOVES structure.

Humans like days with structure: waking up, morning routine, eating breakfast, going to work or school (or going to our computer these days), then lunch, then dinner, then maybe dessert, then maybe watching TV, then reading, then bed.

Everyone’s day looks different. But everyone’s day has structure.

So it makes sense that humans love structured stories. Stories where they know what to expect. Stories that have a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Audiences love well-structured stories that make them turn the page, or hang on to the edge of their seat if they’re in a theater (or their home). 

By the way, don’t get structure confused with formula. Structure does not equals formula.

This means anyone can write a ‘story.’ Anyone can write a story that others will want to read if they structure it right and include certain elements. Even if they don’t have a flair for beautiful prose or exquisite metaphors.

YOU can write that screenplay you've always wanted to.

#storytelling #storyteller #amwriting #screenwriterslife #writing #writingtip #coaching #success #writer #scriptwriting #scriptwriter #winningmindset 

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