Week 9 Update : What no one is talking a ...

Week 9 Update : What no one is talking about?

Jun 08, 2021


I have jotted down about shady websites and shared on my blog posts about these sites. Since then a lot of folks are still getting scammed by random and unknown stranger on Internet.

Following was one post about someone that got scammed by a Stranger that goes by "Annabelle".


This scam is pretty typical and I have interacted with lot who faced similar on forums. So let me share how the process is like, so that you can be well aware of it.

A strange sends you a message saying they love your work and sharing invite. The person then sends a shady link (note that foundation invite is only of url (foundation.app/join?code=) followed by 24 letters. All other links are fake.

Once you click on it, it asks you to pay as gas fee to activate the link. Thinking it's accurate, you give permission for your wallet to send ETH. Once ETH is transferred, the stranger blocks you. Sometimes they change their name and goes on repeating this same.

The reason I am writing this is I don't want anyone to be scammed. I come across these scams every 1-2 day. No matter how many times I share on my blogs of these, innocent people are getting scammed.

Even the videos promoted on Youtube/Google are pointing to similar "INSTANT INVITE" See here

If anyone is promising an instant invite, it's more likely a scam. Kindly beware.

Our invite train is going strong. We might hit 300 supporters or closer by Week 10. Fingers crossed.

That's all for today's weekly update. See you next week then:)

Week 1: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixjosemon/100-supporters-foundation-invite-week-1-update

Week 2: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixjosemon/150-supporters-foundation-invite-week-2-update

Week 3: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixjosemon/week-3-update-tips-listing-foundation

Week 4: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixjosemon/200-supporters-week-4-update-covid

Week 5: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixjosemon/250-supporters-week-5-update

Week 6: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixjosemon/crossed-250-supporters-week-6-update

Week 7: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixjosemon/1000-creator-invites-week-7-update

Week 8: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixjosemon/gas-cheap-best-time-mint-week8-update

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