Felix Josemon
3,536 supporters
Wall of Love - Gratitude Post - Share ex ...

Wall of Love - Gratitude Post - Share experience

May 05, 2021

Some of the messages from my coffee supporters which I am really grateful for and made my day. (Names hidden for Privacy reasons, Message me if I missed any to be added on Wall of Love)

After starting this train for Foundation.App Creator Invites, many of our coffee supporters started using their networks to promote our coffee page, spread kindness and do their best efforts without we even asking.

This is my gratitude post. I really appreciate it:)


Blog posts:Bild


In Response to week 4 post: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/felixjosemon/200-supporters-week-4-update-covidBild

Do comment about your Coffee train experience:) What did you like the most about this community?

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