About Felix Josemon
sharing 👋Clubhouse Invite Code Pay-It Forward Train
UPDATE: CLUBHOUSE IS OPEN NOW. Over the last few months we onboarded 1000+ new clubhouse users. Don't send me any more caffeine :)
2023 update: If you're looking for "Bluesky Invite Train", use this link
- Felix
Recent supporters
Hi all, hope you remember me. I'm the guy that helps people with invites:) Felix the train master:) You may have joined on my Clubhouse in 2021 (are you still using it?) or other trains, which's why you may get this mail. It's 2023 and Twitter alternative Bluesky is out and it's talk of the town. As always, I'm back with an invite train for Bluesky and if you're interested to get app access, detai...
Bluesky is here! And it's invite-only & I can help you
Apr 29, 2023
We are about to cross 1100 supporters for our initiative. We started this on Jan 3rd and it's being growing from there on. Safe to say we invited over 1000+ new clubhouse users who are enjoying the platform. Thanks all for the continued support to keep this train going. Next goal: 1100
Crossing 1100? Helped 1000+ join Clubhouse
May 31, 2021