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Your name in support app on phone in game
Inclut les avantages Discord
Support me on a monthly basis
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Access to game play one week before public release
Discord access at Investor status and perks
Your name in support app on phone in game
Inclut les avantages Discord
Support me on a monthly basis
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Discord access at Manager status and perks
Access to polls in Discord
Access to gameplay two weeks before public release
Your name in support app on phone in game
Inclut les avantages Discord
Support me on a monthly basis
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Discord access at Supervisor status and perks
Access to polls in Discord
Access to game idea chat in Discord
Access to game play three weeks before public release
Your name in support app on phone in game
Inclut les avantages Discord
Support me on a monthly basis
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Discord access at CEO status and perks
Access to polls in Discord
Access to game idea chat in Discord
Access to game play four weeks before public release
Your name in support app on phone in game
Access to meeting room in Discord
Spoiler game renders along with progress updates in Buymeacoffee and Discord
Voting power of 2 votes
Inclut les avantages Discord
Support me on a monthly basis
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Discord access at Board Member status and perks
Access to polls in Discord
Access to game idea chat in Discord
Beta Tester
Your name in support app on phone in game
Access to meeting room in Discord
Direct access to chat with me in Discord
Spoiler game renders along with progress updates in Buymeacoffee and Discord
Voting power of 5 votes
One character creation (must be at tier for 3 months)
Inclut les avantages Discord
Support me on a monthly basis
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Discord access at Audit Committee status and perks
Access to game idea chat in Discord
Beta Tester
Your name in support app on phone in game
Access to meeting room in Discord
Direct access to chat with me in Discord
Will have a say in the focus or direction of future content (Then voted on by community)
Spoiler game renders along with progress updates in Buymeacoffee and Discord
Voting power of 10 votes
Two custom character creations (Must be at tier for 3 months)
Inclut les avantages Discord
Support me on a monthly basis
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Discord access at Executive Committee status
Access to game idea chat in Discord
Beta tester before game release to supporters
Your name in support app on phone in game
Access to meeting room in Discord
Direct access to chat with me in Discord
Various other perks only people at this level will get to decide through Discord
Spoiler game renders along with progress updates in Buymeacoffee and Discord
Voting power of 15 votes
Will have a say in the focus or direction of future content (Then voted on by community)
Two custom character creations (Must be at the tier for 3 months)
Special thanks with your name at the end of the game
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À propos Fatality
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Uniquement pour les membres
Progress Report
Dec 22, 2024
12 Vues
Uniquement pour les membres
Updates & Spoilers
Dec 22, 2024
16 Vues
Who gets the role of the dean's daughter?
Who gets the role of the dean's daughter?
Dec 19, 2024
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