poem: what stale grief is this

poem: what stale grief is this

Sep 18, 2020

you can find tons of my poems on my Instagram (check out the poetry highlight!), but here's a sample so you can get a feel for my writing without having to go anywhere.

what stale grief is this⁣

I thought I was free until⁣
I felt my grandmother's skeleton ⁣
poking at my insides. ⁣

I reach down my throat, ⁣
screaming as I pull it out.⁣

my wails sound like hers--⁣

or how I imagine they would ⁣
if she ever dared to open ⁣
her mouth that wide. ⁣

maybe if you played them backwards⁣
you'd hear a secret message--⁣
a lifetime of unspoken desires⁣
eating away at stomach lining.⁣

her bones turn to dust.⁣

instinctively I cover my mouth and nose⁣
with dusty hands desperate ⁣
not to inhale the particles,⁣

immediately realizing⁣
my grave error.⁣

~fara tucker

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