Power Vacuum: The Treasonous Trick-Takin ...

Power Vacuum: The Treasonous Trick-Taking Game by Keen Bean Studio coming to EZ NOMICS

Sep 08, 2024

To reduce screen time & increase family time at home, I've been delving into the expanding world of economic board games as a fun way to teach/learn economics!


I recently received my Kickstarter backer copy of Power Vacuum: the Treasonous Trick-Taking Game by Malachi Ray Rempen of Keen Bean Studio (https://www.keenbean.studio/).

As an IB economics educator, I was attracted to the game because the Kickstarter campaign information and game dynamics reminded me of the political economics book The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics by Bruce Bueno de Mezquita and Alastair Smith.

Here is the Kickstarter campaign information by Keen Bean Studio:

"Making FUN of Autocrats gives us POWER!

"... which is why we made: Power Vacuum: The Treasonous Trick-Taking Game

"Great News! The Supreme Vacuum is Dead!

"Now ... which one of you scheming, conniving, no-good ministers will seize power next!

"If you like:

"* Trick-taking card games

"* Feeling clever and sneaky

"* Building a big ol' statue to your greatness

"* Accusing your toaster of high treason

"* Puns

"... then ... you'll probably like this game!"


I'll be playing the game today and this week with my family. So soon, I'll post videos on the channel on the following topics: unboxing, game setup, game run-through, and how the game links to aspects of economic theoretical thought. Stay tuned!


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