Chronicles #1 by Expat J

Chronicles #1 by Expat J

Feb 23, 2024

This is my first post here, so I'll just give a brief introduction of myself. I thought I could go throughout my whole life without using social media, but in order to work online I had to create an online present. So, in 2023 with that in mind I started which ended up becoming a "burner" twitter account. I'm absolutely new to this social media world and learning as I go. Yes, new to social media, you read it right. I can't be labeled; I don't like it when people try to put me in a box. I do as I please, with respect towards others. I enjoy writing because I'm an expressive person. It's strange I don't have any issue when talking about myself, but in writing it's the complete opposite. I guess I just want to reach out to those who want to hear the truth again. Being yourself needs to be cool again. I feel the world I knew has turned away from me. I'm tired of putting on the TV and every "adult" is arguing, what is this teaching the children? Is common sense no longer with us? I could go on. Nevertheless, how are you doing reader? Write to me in the comments about how your day went. I'm a good listener and have been told that I give great advice. I love to help people; I don't judge and I'm loyal and will always stand up for what's right. Ok.... enough about me lol (for now) I don't know who's going to read this but, hey hopefully some people can gravitate towards continuing with me on this journey. I've been told that I'm an interesting person, in a good way tho lol. Thank God we still have readers in this world, I love intelligent people and I want to contribute to readers as well as to listeners. I didn't know what direction I wanted to write on this app. Which leads me too why I'm here. I now reside in the Dominican Republic; it was time to see something different from Canada and US. I write about living on this beautiful Caribbean Island through personal stories from myself and my lady. Kinda like a tour guide, but more for a real perspective that you wouldn't get from a tour guide, or a tourist resorts. I am a people's person, so I have to be with the people. I can't give you the real about the culture and lifestyles here, if I was hiding out in a resort or only being around an expat community.  

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I like the idea of this platform, because I don't want to charge money, but I would rather get some support to continue. It gives motivation to bring more and be better, and to be honest in oversea countries it's not really the best idea to just be bringing out your phone and randomly taking pictures or filming. There's a danger side to that and possibly being robbed or even putting yourself out there. I'm a low-key type of person and so is my lovely lady. We don't want to be famous lol. With every country you have good and bad, nowhere in the world is perfect. So, I'm not going to trash North America because I moved on. I don't want to separate anyone's feelings as what I write about is not for them, it's a niche topic yes, but something for everyone for sure. I love waking up knowing that it's warm outside, that puts me in a good mood. I live in a peaceful area in Dominican Republic, in the south part of the island. I learned Spanish but forgot a lot over the few years that I wasn't practicing at all. Now I'm learning Dominican Spanish lol. I hope my lady doesn't see this one. Yes, Dominican Spanish is faster, and they cut words short or it's either I'm listening too slow or it's too fast, but I'm catching on lol. She also speaks English, so communication isn't a problem. Overall, I want to only give positive feedback about the Dominican Republic and our lifestyle to my readers. You can watch the evening news or many other outlets for debating, fighting and depressing stuff. Life is not perfect for everyone, and we all can complain about something. This outlet is about spreading positivity to each other where we can find ourselves in our own bubble of bliss. Ignoring hurt people that choose to hurt people and staying positive. I will use this app unorthodoxly, but there will be a method to the madness lol. You the reader can just relax and tune in, kind of like when you go on vacation, but I'll be at your service with pictures and videos etc.... cheers! 




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