We’re on tour! 🌻 Feb 5th - April 3rd 🌻”The Bump Tour”
The focus of this tour is taking you along with us as we hero the sustainable businesses/farms/people/products we meet & use as we travel, plus bump into YOU in person.
If you “buy us a coffee” during the tour dates & sign up to Zoomin ebike’s newsletter list, you’ll go in the draw to WIN AN URBAN COMMUTER EBIKE!! Sign up to the newsletter here: https://zoominbikes.nz/ethically-kate/
NOTE: You are only in the draw for the giveaway if you sign up to Zoomin ebike's newsletter.
We so appreciate your financial support: whether you’ve come along to a free event & wanted to say thanks or love following along with our tour online, all donations all add up - thank you!
Our rough route:
Hamilton ~ Tauranga ~ Rotorua ~ Taupō ~ Wellington ~ Nelson ~ Golden Bay ~ Greymouth ~ Christchurch ~ Queenstown ~ Wānaka ~ Dunedin ~ Christchurch ~ Kaikōura ~ Masterton ~ Napier ~ Auckland
We'd love to 'bump' into you! Watch out on our stories & feed as we travel to see what events are coming up in your town ✨️www.instagram.com/ethicallykate
Recent supporters

Sue Blair bought 5 coffees.

Sara Hanning bought a coffee.

Sarah Clarke bought 3 coffees.
You're doing an amazing job and I am taking key points as I am slowly implementing changes. Thank you for your inspiration and energy!

Jess bought a coffee.
Love following you and your journey Kate, am constantly learning. Thank you for what you do!

Louise Dallow bought a coffee.