Grateful. For you.

Grateful. For you.

May 13, 2021

Before I dive into the deep end of this next (one-sided-unless-you-comment) conversation, let me thank y'all for your support. Several of you helped me during a scary, unexpected financial situation. I appreciate you. I'm grateful when you read my words, whether you respond with buying a coffee or not. But when you buy enough to help me pay bills, I just wanna shout from the rooftops:


Thank you for following me.

For reading.

For responding. 

For caring. 

This platform is important to me. So are my followers and supporters. 😊

So, stay tuned for another post I'm writing… about control and the lack thereof. 


Until then, peace, my Friends.

♥️, Me, Erica Senecal 

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