Nurturing Wire Bonsai Tree

Oct 19, 2020

I make these Tree by Hand for my Etsy Shop.

So I thought I would explain a bit more about my back ground on here. I am an artist/ creator/ Musician. I used to be a hair Stylist for 8 years and I love it. But

I had to give that up 1.5 years ago due to a Chronic Health Condition that is shutting down my G.I system. My large Colon is now failing. I talk about this on my you tube page:

Link to that video right here:

So I am Know longer able to work. My doctors about 18months ago sat me down and told me it was not safe for me to work anymore. I never know when I need to be admitted to the hospital. Thankfully I have only needed to go in a few times this last 6 months. I have a lot of very hard days where I am in to much pain and can't even pick up a pencil to draw. But I still try as it brings me great joy and puts my mind on something positive and helps me focus on something other then pain. I am not able to post some weeks or work on my trees everyday but I try to get something done at least once a week. So I created this page in hopes to get my story out even more. I am so grateful for the people who take the time to just listen or even Donate to this page. Thank you

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