7-Sacred Minute Meditations -Preparing f ...

7-Sacred Minute Meditations -Preparing for Rest

Jul 18, 2024

Many of us in midlife, menopause and beyond have struggled with sleep. This 7-sacred minute meditation is designed to help you prepare yourself for a deep and restorative sleep. You can download it right here.

During our midlife and menopausal years, and as we age, rest is of the utmost importance for our bodies. Often the body is crying out for more rest and less push while at the same time we may experience difficulty falling asleep.

Making rest a sacred ritual brings a sense of reverence to something we routinely do without much consciousness and creates a space for deeper more peaceful sleep by intentionally unwinding and connecting within before we drift off.

I invite you to create a nourishing space for yourself to practice this meditation. If you do it in bed right before sleep, make the process of getting your bed ready, changing your cloths and brushing your teeth one of mindfulness. Staying present with the activities with the intention of care taking for your beautiful body, mind and spirit.

Sweet dreams.

In case you missed the link above here it is again. https://drive.google.com/file/d/13zTOcvofr94aL-33ZBfZv6JQzu38AUU9/view?usp=sharing

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