This weather ⚡️⛈ drives me mad 🤬

This weather ⚡️⛈ drives me mad 🤬

Feb 06, 2022

Normally I don’t mind our higglty pigglty chicken housing. They have just enough room to nest and roost and most of the day I let them free range. But in this weather ‘UGH’ you can’t let them out when it’s raining, half them won’t bother staying under cover ☔️ unless it’s pissing down ⛈⛈, even then a couple are a little thick 🌂. And no matter how much time we spend digging drains the coops still get muddy and slushy inside, especially as you can’t let the chooks out or move the coops. The quails aren’t so bad in this weather as they don’t make as much mess and the enclosures are easier to move.

My hope/dream/plan for chicken housing is to have a massive (or just really big) shed, a space for all of them to nest 🐣 and roost 🐓 together with plenty of DRY space for them to roam 🐥 around in when it’s this wet. Along with that I would love a Chicken Caravan 30, it could live in the shed in the wet and be easily moved around when dry.

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