Which episode is your favorite?

Which episode is your favorite?

Aug 30, 2021

immagine Hello, Unfringed community!

I would love to hear your feedback about the podcast so far. Your input matters and will help shape the show going forward. I'd be super grateful if you would comment on this post and let me know:

  • Which episode you have enjoyed the most - and why

  • Which episode(s) you have chosen not to listen to - and why

And, please, be completely honest. I am looking for genuine answers. You won't hurt my feelings if you offer constructive criticism, I promise. I will use whatever information you provide to improve the show!

Thank you as always for your support.


✨ D ✨

#Unfringed #EmpoweredHumans #ChangeStartsHere @Buzzsprout @EmpoweredHumansInc


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