Beta Blockers

Beta Blockers

Jan 16, 2021

I am a terribly slow reader. I mean, like really slow. So slow that last year I gave myself the Goodreads goal of reading only 12 books in the whole year. And even with the extra free time because of the pandemic shutdowns and my occasional lack of willpower to do anything that really mattered, I read about 2 actual books. The main reason for this was actually a beta read a whole lot.

I love beta reading. It feels like I get to enjoy myself while helping others, and I may not give the most constructive or precise advice, I feel my reactions to stories should be good indicators of what's working. Generally, stories need more mentions of long hair.

However, my reading time is my writing time and there is precious little of that. So I'm in a constant battle of conscience. Should I rush through the beta read and not write any of my own story for a week or two, or should I try and do drips and drabs of both? I don't know the best answer, which is probably why I'm doing it this year as I once again beta read a Cute Mutants story. I'm enjoying the hell out of it but I also want to make progress on editing The Damsel too.

Like a person with two vaginas, I'm gonna have to split my time. But if you have any advice I'm all ears... and vaginas apparently.

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