Zinc Protocol, Even Pfizer/Moderna Agree

Zinc Protocol, Even Pfizer/Moderna Agree

Nov 16, 2021

Wow, would you look at that....just fucking look at it.👇 Isn't this the same 💩 we've been saying since week 1? 🧐🤷🏽‍♀️😏

Breaking News

Pfizer and Moderna have brilliantly figured out that the Zelenko Protocol is and has always been the correct approach to treat Covid-19.

Pfizer and Moderna are touting unverified results from their trials of oral repurposed hiv drugs, Paxlovid and molnupiravir, claiming decrease in hospitalization rates of 89% and 50%, respectively.

This is consistent with Dr. Zelenko’s observations since 3/2020, that early prehospital treatment with antiviral medications reduces hospitalization and death by 84%.

Dozens of peer reviewed papers have corroborated Dr. Zelenko’s observations with an average decrease in hospitalization of 85%.

Pfizer and Moderna have still not discovered the clinical benefit of patient risk stratification and use of zinc, which are essential components of the Zelenko Protocol.

Pfizer and Moderna have not commented on the significant side effects of these repurposed hiv drugs.

Another major difference of Pfizer / Moderna drugs versus the Zelenko Protocol is cost. Big pharma drugs will cost $700 a person vs $30 for the Zelenko Protocol.

Perhaps, Pfizer and Moderna are hoping that touting their expensive and unproven drugs will mitigate the horrendous side effects of the covid-19 vaccines.

👇🏾order here


Read the Study and results 👇🏾👇🏾


Erica Parrótt/These Are The Times


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