Removing The Mask (Pt.7); Releasing That ...

Removing The Mask (Pt.7); Releasing That Which No Longer Serves...

Aug 02, 2022

With this Removing The Mask, I hope to offer you some tips that hopefully allow you to use, "I release that which no longer serves me," in a way that truly expands your life instead of bringing more turmoil. Everything that I write is written from the heart of my experiences. Stay until the end and unlock some tips for your next releasing journey.

You often hear the statement; "I release that which no longer serves me," but what I don't hear often discussed, is how harming this can be when you aren't ready to honestly release what's being asking to be removed from our life.

If you have found yourself using the above pharse, and seem to keep coming up with waves when the releasing begins...DON'T beat yourself up, is my first piece of advice. Why? Because nothing happens on the first try. It's what happens after you miss the mark. Do you reset and decide to show up again? Or, do you miss the mark, and let it take you all the way back to where you are working to leave, and loom in pity a bit longer?

No matter your level of awareness surrounding you or your circumstances, there will always be a new awakening waiting to greet you, expand your horizons, and to ultimately grow you in the best of ways. Why? Because we are meant to evolve. Even with that, its still a choice we each must make when met with our growth challenges. When we are not fully ready for these growths to take place, that is when we open the door for our growth to be stunted and possibily have an unpleasently painful experience.

I can remember when I first came across this powerful statement many years ago. It allowed me to really begin keying in on how I was showing up in my relationships, how I wanted to better show up, and what/who really had to go in order for my life to become a sustainable reality. When I was in my late teens early twenties, I often found myself struggling with letting go. I found myself faced with this same dilemma a few months back.

Even though I would sit with what I was wanting to release, and examine what might or most certainly would change, there was still a large bit of my thoughts residing in a naive realm. Why? Expectations. Yes, those pesky things, which can make our experiences a bit more tedious. There were some things that as I said the words, I release... I found when the releasing began, that I wasn't as aware as I had told myself I was. Or I had setup some feel good illusions. Either case I wasn't flowing in the releasing. It felt more like fighting a wave. One reason being, many things you cannot know until you honestly experience them.

These type of releasing I like to call TIDAL WAVES. They set off what feels like a chain reaction of storms. In time I began to realize, I had set my healing up with so many illusive expectations instead of simply allowing myself to become aware of what would for sure happen and flowing from that knowing. But instead, as the overthinker I am, I built all of these trap doors that allowed me to feel safe in stepping out. Which later made me feel dumb for even putting the thought into play. Expectations...they create so many emotions and hold such a key into our releasing and attracting into our lives.

Releasing is no different than attracting. You must evaluate (not judge) what will be required of you in all ways and know that you are willing to do what is neccessary to achieve that which you desire...and then you must produce the needed actions knowing that your efforts will be matched.

I know for myself, even when I have allowed myself to really sit and gain a 360° view of what could come; I still at times hold this view in an illusive way. I create expectations even when I know, I can't fully know until I am honestly in the situation. But because I THINK I know, the intital tearing away is when my truest realities begin to sink in.

When those illusive expectations I had shattered, a whole new realm of feelings, actions and emotions were brought forth to wade through.

Moments like these can have you questioning, did I make the right decision to begin with? Why is everything falling in on me? Even when you are being setup for your greatest lessons and blessings, if you begin to doubt it because of expectations you held, you begin to delay your honest releasing.

When habits, situations, or relationships are being pulled from our orbit and we begin to doubt in anyway, we are letting the divine know, "Hey, I'm not really ready for what's coming. I cannot make room for the new." What we do unconsciously is tell the divine the opposite of what our truest mission is and put ourself in limbo...tidal wave.

How you do unblock your emotions and pivot into the flow of your release?

I'm glad you asked. Here's some tips I've found that have helped me over the years. They especially came in handy back in June when I found myself faced with a releasing muck up.

  • It all begins with your perspective. "Why is this happening to me" is the first thing that must be redirected. Instead shift to "Why is this is happening for me? What is different about it now that I'm in the releasing from what I envisioned it to possible feel like?"

  • You asked for your path to be cleared. Now its time to unblock your emotions surrounding your current position. Yes, you THOUGHT it might feel one way, but now you're experiencing it and it feels way more intense. Acknowledge this reality. Let yourself honestly experience the healthy anger, sadness, etc. that is bubbling up. Part of releasing is becoming aware of how we process emotions and elevating our actions when faced with certain emotions. I know for myself my anger was being brought forth for examining and elevation in my last few events. All emotions have a healthy way of being expressed. When we go through releasing it will trigger the ones forth that need attention. Those that need to be nurtured into a healthier way of being expressed. Awareness of this will make for a smoother experience.

  • Allow yourself to make an honest inventory of the weights that are now gone surrounding your release. (not your feelings on the matter but the things that are honestly lifted now that this has happened.)

  • If you can come up with atleast 3 things in your "weights lifted" column, then it is time to cancel out the thought, "Did I make the right decision?!"

  • Allow yourself to make an honest inventory of things that did become more of a challenge. (Could these challenges be seen as growth tools when you look at them without emotions clouding the lens?)

  • And last but not least. Discernment of intuition versus anxiety. Anxiety comes as an incomplete thought..."What ifs" and constant worry/panic. Intuition comes through as a message...or guidance that isn't doubt or worry filled. Anxiety will have your head spinning and chest feeling tight. Intuition will have your gut feeling warm or like a passionate flame needs tending to.

It all begins with your thoughts. Everything carries it own energy field. Align your thougths with your words. You cannot be open to receiving a manifestion and doubt it in the background. Why? The frequencies will miss one another instead of colliding for your highest good.

If you have been questioning your purpose or feeling a little off in the creativity department, link into this week's Tarot Reading. Join today as a member to recieve discount and to unlock future weekly readings.

There is a lion passion and energy sweeping over Earth right now. Don't miss this wave.

Erica Parrótt/Eluminate/These Are The Times

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Empower your way through your human experience you hold the key to your release.

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