"Removing The Mask":(Part 5) Black Histo ...

"Removing The Mask":(Part 5) Black History Month

Feb 23, 2022

Every year we tip-toe around this month, many doing dances in celebration to all that is Black. Yes, I have been guilty of this too, even though for most of my life I've thought and felt this to be the most racist time of year, I've indulged in posting black content heavily during this celebration. And have always felt convicited in my doing. Imagine that, I had struggles with this month, and I'm a woman of color.

But still, something about this whole month long celebration has never sat quite right with me. Even though I have taken moments during this time of year to pay my respects to those that helped paved the way for a freer way of life for us all; it still hasn't sat right with me.

The blacks that forged paths and cemented themselves forever into our greatest historical memories, they didn't ask for a month of rememberence. They were seeking true unaduletrated equality that would vibrate and flow throughout time. What they did calls for a daily thanks. Ones that are not of words but rather in our deeds.

If the equailty our ancestors fought for were truly in place, there would not be a need for illusive days that tell you, we are diverisified. Rather, all the world's operations and actions would truly reflect the diversity.

While in many ways their causes did create lifetimes of change, the powers that be still have systems in the background that are systematically in place. They always have and will continue to until fully challenged, broken and replaced with real equailty.

While they gave a little out front, they added a loophole in the back that better benefited their needs. You can always tell when the powers are up to no good and have not truly done the right thing, but want to appear to have made something "right". It becomes a National week, month, day or a year.

They do appearances. In my personal opinion, Black History Month is the biggest appearence of them all.

Alright, you all ready for why racism can be a trigger point still... BECAUSE WE'VE NEVER TRULY DEALT WITH IT. "Vibrations of tremors that shook long ago."

We've put it in a corner. Down played its existence and done it like everything else in life we don't want to handle."Ignore it, and hopefully it will go away." Clearly that doesn't work. We have tried to talk our way to the level of not being racist. While the real actions have not been present to support it.

But the problem I feel is this, we are trying to talk about an issue that is way more expansive than the simple black or white. Racism, better yet, intolerance as a whole has much grey that surrounds it. To begin to break the cycles, stories must be examined. Even the ones that are "true". Why? Because all illusions contain some truth. This is what allows them to exist in our present realm. But this cannot be done through emotions alone.

While there are some situations that need to registar on an emotional level, the response still needs to come from a logical place. That is why these "great blacks" got somewhere in their fights. They allowed their responses to come from balance. But today, we have a group of humans that haven't had to lift a finger to truly fight for anything. Yet some of them aid in futher perpuations of sterotypes through their own actions, and then want to lash out with emotional responses when they are met with their consquences. "It must be my skin for the trouble I am in."

We are all a lot responsible for the division that contiues. I know that I am not the only person of color that feels this way. I know I am not the only human that feels this way. I know I am not the only woman that feels this way. Before my color I am many, many other amazing qualities.

There was a time when you could say the word miniority and immediately a person of color might pop into your mind. When you hear that word today, miniority, what comes into focus? Here's a few that come to mind when I hear the word:

  • Any person of color

  • gay/bi-sexual

  • transgenders

  • drug addicts

  • the elderly

These too, are considered miniorities. Yet, if you said that to someone who is die hard black community, you might be considered a racist for even trying to lump others onto "our" word. And since I am a black woman saying this, well some call me a dancing coon.

Black History month in my opinion was a white wash. They handed the people a month shrouded in celebrating, while it also serves as a tool that creates a space for others to feel left out. It equips some with a sense of entitlement in their ways. If this was about achievements, ones color has nothing to do with it. What an individual chooses to tap into within their own being, is what makes their achievements great. And ones color doesn't help you do it any better or any worse.

I'm going to take a quote from Kanye West and morph it a bit. He said this generation, but I'm here to declare.

"This world has become so obessed with appearing successful and evolved, rather than actually being successful and evolved.

Black History month in my opinion, is another one of those appearences. For the most part the month focuses on those blacks of the past that broke lines and barriers. So if this is what we are celebrating, then why not call it Civil Freedom Month? I mean to be honest, blacks were not alone in these freedom quests. Many blacks who were afraid to stand should be thankful for the whites that took couragous stands. Their doing so filled voids.

In a world where we have all been told, everything comes down to black or white, it becomes hard to move comfortably once that notion is challenged. Because life is not all black and white. Sometimes those mix and it leaves us with grey.

Have you ever noticed how every time the powers do not like something it becomes apart of the miniority crowd? Every time something else becomes considered a minority it further challenges what we have all once called miniority. If you aren't willing to honestly stand in the grey with that thought, then everything else feels threathening to what once felt like yours.

If one is truly proud of its growth, wouldn't that be something that is seen not only in their speech but also in how they show up, in their grown self?

Yet, ask yourself do you see this much love for the black community any other time of year? Do you see media dumping billions into black educitional promos any other time of year? No you don't, you see it during charade season, February. And the die hard blacks only community eat it up.

This month carries a great sense of pride for many. Pride, like all things is polar, and when you feel it in an arrogent way, every step you take carries that energy and tone. It keeps emotions high, and responeses are defenesive instead of authentic and flowing.

It sets the stage for if you are not 100% doing what I do, you are against me. Do any of these feelings sound like they create fair, or equal space for others to abound?

I am so thankful for women like my grandmother's and the men like my grandfather's. My life would not be as easy today had it not been for them. But I'm thankful year round for this. It's not something I put in a closet and bring out one time of year. It's not something that I use to make others feel less than. For me its a pride that I carry in all that I do. But to someone that is only looking at black or white, I'm a dancing "Uncle Tom."

I want to share something with you that someone took the time out of their day to send me. Mind you we aren't friends. This message went to my request folder. I happened to stumble across it and when I read it, let me tell you. Old me wanted to open the camera and send a video reply. But a peace over took me as I opened the keyboard to reply.

He began the thread in black, I am the blue bubbles. Nothing has been edited or altered.

This is what having months like Black History creates. This was a black man throwing hate on another black because his stories that he chooses to hold onto, have him looking with tunnel vision. Imagine it, a black individual was being racist. But I bet if I would have lashed back and said that truth, he would have strongly disagreed. Delusions and the the backdrops they paint are real. I understand this, which is why I am so thankful for new me getting this message. His none response told me all I needed to know. His puppet ways made him think because I'm different than him in how I choose to live my life, I must be a puppet too. It happens, but this season of life I'm not arguing with anyone. I will simply let your fingers and brain lock up from being mindblown.

It truly makes me sad when I come across individuals that live in such boxes though. It makes me sad because I wonder how many true joys they have missed in life simply because "That's a white thing." "That's a this group thing." etc. I truly feel for them because I know they have missed a lot, and they do not even realize it.

Illusion is a hella strong drug.

I meant every word I typed to him. My dislikes have nothing to do with color. Never have and they never will.

Just as my likes will never come down to ones color. Neither does whom I do business with. I don't care how many times you put in your ad BLACK BUSINESS OWNED, my concerns are simple. Are your good/service worth my time, energy and finances? If it isn't you being black is not about to make me buy it any faster.

This month from its creation, I believe, was created to keep the emotions high and true logic from coming forth. I truly believe they created this day as another way to box the mindsets in, while allowing it to aid in the illusions they build. "We are all equal, see we even talk about blacks for a whole month like we are supposed to."

Consciousness isn't allowing people to live comfortably under charades any longer. This is why blacks fight amognst themselves more than the system itself. Every thing the government does is setup like a competition. Every one has a different starting position, and the finish line is always moving. Only they know if and when the rat race will end. Everything else, keeps us occuipied and not questioning their wrong doings.

If I ever become a political figure, my first mission will be to eridicate all cultural holidays. The first year will be THE PEOPLE'S year. Each week you would be encouraged to learn something about a cultural you didn't know previously. But here would be the kicker; No media ads. No one telling you which one you need to focus on. Instead, you pick.

Our world has become such a blended pot, that it would be impossible to be fair and accurate in making sure each had a month. Every national day we set in place, we also say some thing else is not as important in that same moment.

As I always and will continue to say "All Lives Matter." To put a color on it means anything outside that color cannot exist or matter. I am for us all existing each and every day. And doing this to our fullest!

Every day that you live and breath you are important.

Everything comes down to color when you deal with the powers. You aren't getting further than they want you to go. And that my friends is the truth no matter your skin tone. Once that grey is accepted by the masses, we will truly be in the collective shift of all shifts.

Until then...may you stay well, safe and strong through removing the mask and relearning the stories you have been told.

Erica Parrótt/Eluminate/These Are The Times


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