The Science and Art of Korean Personal C ...

The Science and Art of Korean Personal Color Analysis: A Guide✨️😊 💄

Apr 10, 2024

✨️✨️Do you want to know how to find the best colors for your skin, eyes, and hair? Do you want to learn some fun facts about colors and how we see them? If yes, then this post is for you! ✨️✨️

By Ellie Etanga 🩷🩷

The Physics Behind Colour Theory

Color is the sensation that our eyes and brain perceive when light waves in the visible spectrum bounce around and hit our retina.

The way we see colour depends on the source of the light and the object (in this case skin) that reflects or absorbs it.

There are two types of color mixing that explain how we see colors: additive and subtractive.

Additive color mixing is when we mix different colors of light to create new colors.

This is how most machines emit light.

The three primary colors of light:

red, green, and blue (RGB).

Primary colours cannot be created by mixing other colors of light. By varying the intensity of these three colors, we can create millions of different colors.




  • RED + GREEN + BLUE (in equal measures) = WHITE

White light is created when all light is reflected & no light is absorbed.

Subtractive color mixing is when we mix different colors of pigments to create new colors.

This is how colour is created in physical art like painting, dyeing fabrics.

The three primary colors of pigments:

cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY).

In physics, we call them secondary colours of light. If you mix them, they create the primary colours of light.

They cannot be created by mixing other colors of pigments.




  • MAGENTA + YELLOW + CYAN (in equal measures) = BLACK

Black is created when all light is absorbed & none is reflected.

You may have noticed that the primary colors of light and the primary colors of pigments are different.

This is because they work in opposite ways: additive color mixing adds more light to create new colors, while subtractive color mixing removes more light to create new colors.

This is why *RGB and CMY are called complementary colors*:

they are opposite to each other on the color wheel.

The color wheel is a circular diagram that shows the relationships between different colors based on three IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTICS :

1. Hue (the temperature of the color)

Hue is a degree on the color wheel from 0 to 360.

0 (or 360) is RED = The warmest colour🟥🔥

120 is green = The most neutral colour🟩🫒 (olives)

240 is BLUE = The coolest colour🟦🌊

2. Saturation (the intensity or purity of the color)

Saturation is the % of how much grey is added to a colour. Grey is makes colours more dull or muted


0% = full gray ( muted)

100% = full color (bright).

3. Light or Value (the reflectivity or absorbency of the color).

Value is the % light absorbed or reflected by a colour.

0% = black (no light)

100% = white (full light).

For example, if you want to create a _pastel pink color from red_ you use

H = 0

S = 100

L= 90

My method of Korean personal color analysis is based on the concept of RGB & HSL. It considers hair an accessory.

The 4 seasons are

  • Spring

  • Summer

  • Autumn

  • Winter.

Each season has a different HSL range that matches their natural colors.

Spring and autumn are warm seasons, meaning they have yellow-based skin tones and warm colors in their eyes and hair.

Summer and winter are cool seasons, meaning they have blue-based skin tones and cool colors in their eyes and hair.

Spring people have bright, warm/true, and light colors in their HSL range.

  • Bright Spring = bright + warm

  • True Spring = warm + bright

  • Light Spring = light + warm

Summer people have light, cool/true and muted/soft clean colors in their HSL range.

  • Light Summer = light + cool

  • True Summer = cool + muted

  • Soft Summer = muted + cool

Autumn people have soft, warm/true and dark in their HSL range.

  • Soft Autumn = muted + warm

  • True Autumn = warm + muted

  • Dark Autumn = dark + warm

Winter people have dark, clear cool/true, and bright colors in their HSL range.

  • Dark Winter = dark + cool

  • True Winter = cool + bright

  • Bright Winter = bright + cool

I hope this post helped you understand the color theory behind Korean personal color analysis. If you have any questions, additions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

Thank you for reading! 😊🩷✨️🦋

All rights reserved ©️Ellie Etanga 2024

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