Looking Back on "The Sheep Look Up" by J ...

Looking Back on "The Sheep Look Up" by John Brunner

Jun 05, 2020

I know we're only halfway through 2020, however, with everything that's been going on in the world lately, I found it hard not to look back on When the Sheep Look Up by John Brunner. I reviewed this realistic post-apocalyptic novel last year and such aspects that have stuck with me are how everyone in the novel is wearing gas masks, the water is polluted, and there is general unrest amongst the civilians.

With the fear of COVID-19 hanging heavy in the air, most people are sheltering in their homes and leaving the house only if they have to. I know gas masks and protective face masks aren't the same, but I don't think that matters in the grand scheme of things.

To make a seemingly tense and stressful situation worse, we are again reminded of the gross mishandling of police officers who have a record of valid complaints. If a police officer has a complaint filed, I think it should be investigated through an unbiased third party. No police officer should have exessive complaints that have been swept under the rug. Just because he has "connections" or is a "good ole boy" makes this is unfair to the people they're sworn to protect.

People are upset. With COVID-19 being the biggest pandemic since the Spanish Flu, and witnessing our own government's and to a certain extent, our society's lack of trust of the scientists made this more deadly than it needed to be. The economy and unemployment rates are worst they've been, and we're still witnesses to police brutality. Everyone is on edge. It's the perfect deadly stew for public unrest. 

We need justice, we need peace, and until then, stay safe and don't do anything stupid.

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