Title For My Art Days

Title For My Art Days

Apr 13, 2021

Hi everyone,

So I started this site because I have tons of crafting ideas and So I'm trying to come up with different craft titles for my days. I have so many hobbies it's always hard to pick what to do and I think having title for the days may help in cycling through my crafts and getting things done and posted for sale.

So far I have - Marble Monday or Mosaic Monday or Marketing Monday, Transfer Tuesdays (for watercolor projects or other projects I have coming up), Watercolor Wednesdays, Tapestry Thursday or Tunisian Thursday or Thread Thursday (Embroidery), Friday - no idea yet, Sewing Saturday and Sewing Sunday (maybe)

The sewing weekend has produced masks, of course. I have one set up for sale on Poshmark (soon Etsy). But I want to mass produce, then take pictures all at once and post. I need to generate some revenue to on these and make my money back haha. As every business should, right?image

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