New story wip just dropped!

New story wip just dropped!

Aug 30, 2023

And so it came to pass, that Elenya, instead of working on their already existing wips, started a new story. It's my first Fire Emblem: Three Houses fic and I think I will name it Immaculate. For now. But the Dimileth brainrod is real. Pepper it with a tiny flavor of Claude and it's perfect!

The story beginns with the end of the Azure Moon route, Rhea marries Dimitri and Byleth, Byleth becomes the new Archbishop and crowns Dimitri as new ruler of Fódlan. Rhea gives Byleth a letter, telling them about their origin, tho not yet saying anything about the Nabateans; that's for Claude to figure out during the story. And yes, the story has genderfluid Byleth. In the game Byleth is adressed in a genderneutral way all of the time. Of course it's done in an attempt to simplyfy the voice over, but naturally my brain came up with genderqueer headcanons.

So far my plan for the story is to have two POVs. Once for Byleth and how they navigate gender roles in high society, that's completely new to them. And on the other Claude, who's digging up the secrets of Fódlan, trying to subtly manipulate Dimitri into giving him support in his searches and his attempt to seize power in Almyra and on that way starts to crush on both Dimitri and Byleth. Gay panic ensues.

So far I don't have a clear outline, only the idea, to combine the outcome of the Azure Moon route with elements from Verdant Wind, especially the side quests, where Claude travels around the world to collect treasures from Nabateans without knowing they are Nabateans. The story will eventually be posted on ao3 for everyone. Until then the wip chapters will be posted for members of the flock here.

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