A moment of clarity

A moment of clarity

Sep 11, 2022

Dear Reader, I am sure that you must often have that moment of clarity at least a few times in your life where you realize something so deeply that it’s almost peaceful, it makes you feel light.

Then comes the turning point, the aha! moment, when you know exactly what you want and what you’ll do to get it. Because you learned to respect yourself enough to work harder and be better than the path you’re currently on, not because you care what other people say.

For me, it is mostly the things I already know about myself, people around me, the world, etc. but I choose to ignore them or shove them down pretty deep so I don’t have to deal with them because it’s a little painful to experience feelings, at least for me. (weird and unhealthy coping mechanism I know)

I had a similar experience last week…this time I decided to give in instead of just hoping it goes away (you can read last week’s blog to find out what it was!). Guess what? Till now it working in my favor.

A moment of clarity is pretty amazing if you ask me! It provides you with exactly what you need to make a positive change in your life, whether it’s a fresh sense of optimism or courage.

Before a realization that we have been living our lives wrong dawns on us, we are unaware of how much in life we take for granted. Your epiphany may inspire you to make significant changes in your life and lead a life you can be proud of.

It gave me hope this time. It helped me do things I knew I should be doing in the first place but instead I had been whiling my time away by procrastinating.

I was not looking forward to having to confront myself about a few things but epiphanies are not something you plan for, thus you can never be ready for them when they happen. However, when it happens, all you can do is move forward with your newly-acquired awareness and make every effort to put it into practice in your life and that is exactly what I did.

Even though none of this was something I thought was going to be pleasant, especially not a week before my university reopens, I believe it was important to have a life-changing realization.

When living a normal, everyday life, you won’t come to fresh insights, but when you’re in a new, weird, or unfamiliar situation, you can sometimes see things clearly.

No matter how ordinary you try to be, uncontrollable things will still happen to you in life and the best thing you can do when that happens is that instead of trying to swim against the tide…maybe just go with the flow! It will be worth it and you will be okay!

Sometimes, you just need to take a step back and ask yourself: why are you doing what you’re doing?

Hope you find your moment of clarity too, Dear Reader.

Don’t forget to buy me a coffee if I helped you in any way!

Until next time!

Lots of love


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