Oct 11, 2021

Who is EGGRO ?

EGGRO is a person who has a big story behind him. Firstly he was involved in the where his journey started. He was always a big part of community and a good helping hand for everyone. EGGRO helped to grow and reach goals for a few projects in Earth2 community. Also, he always kept all community updated and informed only with new and fresh information that was reaching most members of Earth2 community. Now EGGRO is not only in the but also in other Metaverses and NFT projects doing the same amazing job and keeping all communities informed and entertained !

What are EGGRO's goals ?

The main goal is to connect as much people, with similar interests, as possible in one place. No matter is it Metaverse or NFT project, is it crypto game or virtual service provider, we are all here for one reason - FUTURE ! I want to connect people with same interest, and maybe they will be able to make something amazing together, because possibilities in this sphere has no limits ! I will try to keep everyone informed about all news and updates of all projects I am part of. Also, one of the goals is to make one big and friendly community !

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