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Espresso with Love


My intent is to change laws governing the workplace so that no American will be tortured again. This donation helps me keep the lights on. 

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Espresso & Pea Milk with Love


This will help me keep the lights on and research and investigate other mobbings in the U.S. Ultimately, we want to protect our rights and prove what is going on in workplaces and change laws. This will go a long way in helping that fight. 

  • Support me on a monthly basis

Espresso Shared w/a Workplace Warrior


Not only will this help me keep the lights on and allow me to research and investigate, but it will also help me meet with a politician and buy her a cup of coffee to discuss the issues in today's workplace. Thank you for the coffee meet and greet funds!

  • Support me on a monthly basis

Buy Edna Miller a coffee

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