How to implement OTP in Laravel project

How to implement OTP in Laravel project

Apr 27, 2024

I recently found myself in need of a quick implementation of OTP (one-time password) functionality for a Laravel 11 project. However, my search for a suitable package proved challenging. While I did find a package that offered OTP generation, it lacked the flexibility I required. Specifically, I needed the ability to customize success and error messages, as well as the option to integrate email notifications seamlessly. Without these features, the package fell short of meeting my project's requirements. To address these shortcomings, I decided to develop my own solution.

The SimplOtp package I created simplifies the implementation of OTP functionality in Laravel 11 projects. With just a few artisan commands, developers can configure the package to meet their specific needs. After installing the package with:

composer require tech-ed/simpl-otp

developers can quickly set up the necessary database table by running

php artisan migrate

To customize the OTP behavior, including messages and properties, developers can create a configuration file using

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TechEd\SimplOtp\SimplOtpServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Additionally, the package provides a convenient option to generate email notifications for OTP verification. Developers can enable this feature by running

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TechEd\SimplOtp\SimplOtpServiceProvider" --tag="email"

Once configured, generating and sending OTPs is straightforward. For example, to generate an OTP for a user's email address, developers can use the SimplOtp::generate($email) function. Subsequently, sending the OTP to the user's email is as simple as calling the notification class:

$otp = SimplOtp::generate($user->email);

if($otp->status === true){
   $user->notify(new EmailOtpVerification($otp->token));

Finally, developers can validate the OTP using the SimplOtp::validate($email, $token) function. With these steps, developers can quickly integrate OTP functionality into their Laravel projects using the SimplOtp package.

For developers interested in leveraging SimplOtp for their projects, the package is available on GitHub at Edmonbelchev/simpl-otp. Feel free to explore the repository, contribute to the project, or share your feedback. If you find this content useful, make sure you follow me on LinkedIn for more tips and tricks on Full-Stack Web Development!

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