About me and my situation

About me and my situation

Jan 15, 2022

Hi there. My name is Jan. I'm 25, almost 26 years old. I have a degree in international relations. Currently I'm studying sustainable management.

So that was kind of my background. But I wanted to share with you a little bit of my situation. As you can imagine, life is not easy for me. If it was, I wouldn't be here. I'm struggling, mostly financially, but also mentally. I'm diagnosed with several disorders, however I'm being treated and it's all stable for now. I'm not telling this to make you feel sorry for myself. It's just to show you that I'm facing some difficulties in my daily life.

Partially because of these disorders, but also because of my personality, I wasn't able to find stable full time employment, even though I wanted to and I tried really hard. I'm too weak too physically work manually and too disorganized and anxious to work in an office environment. However, I don't just want to lie around and do nothing. On the contrary, I have a deep urge to act and to do something with my time. So I'm doing it as best as I can. I'm pretty much occupied throughout all my time, excluding sleep of course.

I guess at this point it would be good to share something about my work with you. I would best describe myself as an animal rights- / climate activist / writer / blogger. And as you can imagine, these occupations in today's world don't provide any income. Quite the contrary, actually, it is quite costly to help, to educate and to inform. I wish I could do more, but with my limited funds I can only do as much.

Now, as I mentioned before, my problems are mostly financial. Yes, I do have support from my parents and my girlfriend. However, my parents have made it clear that they won't support me after I graduate, which will happen next year. My girlfriend on the other hand doesn't earn much. We live in Switzerland, which is one of the most expensive countries on Earth. Without my parents' support she won't be able to provide for us. And I'm not so sure if I will have a job until then. My financial situation was and still is a source of tensions between me and her. I don't want our relationship to deteriorate because of something as trivial as money. I just want her to be happy.

I hope you can understand now why I'm reaching out to you. I wouldn't do it if I had another choice, trust me. I don't want to be a burden on anyone. I created this page several months ago and this is how long I've been trying to find another solution to my financial issues. But nothing has worked. Not a single company wants to hire someone like me. I went to the social services office to ask for help, but they said I'm not eligible because my girlfriend earns to much. Which is laughable, I know.

That is why I'm asking you, kind soul, to help me out. In return, I will provide you with top notch content and I will be forever grateful to you. With a symbolic coffee (or a beer for that matter) you could really help a fellow human being out. You would, literally, change my life.

Now, in the end of this introduction, I would like to share with you what happened to me yesterday. I was passing by two homeless men sitting in front of a discount store. There was a hat in front of them with only 0.2 franks in it (approximately $0.2). They said they hadn't eaten before that day. I decided to support them. Sadly, all I had was 6 franks. However, they were truly happy about it. It was heartwarming. So you can see how so little can make such a difference in someone's life. For you it may be nothing but for them it's everything.

Stay safe


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