Handle With Care

Handle With Care

Jan 26, 2022

That's me with my new keyboard gig bag, that just arrived from the good folks at Sweetwater. I use it to take my Casio Privia to play at live events! It has wheels, and plenty of room to store cords and pedals. It's exactly what I want.

When I play out, on my own or as part of The Co-Eds, I am always happy to take requests. We love to play exactly what people want to hear.

And when I do my monthly open mic at Pump House (next one is Feb. 13!), we play "Live Karaoke" so each performer can have the opportunity to sing and/or play exactly what they want, with a great band backing them up!

Has the pandemic changed the desire to play and sing, and hear, exactly what your heart desires? Nope. It's just made that desire STRONGER. (And it's made my desire to livestream performances a lot stronger, too.)

So, when you see me performing online -- please know that I am happy to take requests in the livestream space, too. You can pay me in cyber-libations, right here!

Thanks for supporting me and "The Eden Show"!

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