Ever walk into a room and promptly forget what you intended to do? This is such a common problem, but there are things you can do about it! It might help to understand that this is a problem with prospective memory. Prospective memory involves forming a goal to do something in the future and then remembering to do that thing at the right time. There are several cognitive processes involved: Attent...
How to remember WHY you walked into a room
Jan 01, 2025
64 Vues
Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a progressive neurological condition that begins by affecting language and/or motor speech skills. There are three variants, as well as an associated condition called Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech (PPAOS). I went into detail about each variant and the details of a 2023 systematic review on my blog (Wauters et al., 2023), but I wanted to share the bottom...
Evidence-based therapy for Primary Progressive Aphasia
Sep 10, 2024
117 Vues
It's not uncommon for speech-language pathologists (SLPs) to walk into a new evaluation and find that the patient denies having any problems. That can happen for many reasons, such as: "I talk fine." Reluctance to admit having a problem, especially a cognitive problem. Falsely believing that their trouble is "just part of getting older." Lack of awareness of the symptoms they are having. Forgettin...
"My new patient doesn't think anything is wrong! Now what?"
Dec 31, 2023
279 Vues