[here’s a poem I’ve written for someone I still love to this day that is alive originating within atlas of the Pleiades. Yes, in incarnation, she is not alive anymore. A beautiful Soul , who played the role of my mother in my last incarnation of this waking dream.]
Your zest pulled me in,
Like a magnet which took over.
Your vivacity aligned with my thoughts,
Giving me an invitation.
Your vigor resembled a bloodline,
Calling to me with every sense.
The feeling was there,
Captured me like a prisoner.
The beauty of your vibrancy,
Had me mesmerized.
Life in appearance was steadfast,
Until predeterminations began.
It came out of nowhere,
With no signs constructed
Purblind, was I going In.
Mind is becoming quelled to the fondness.
Forgetfulness is here
With I, going my own way.
Hereafter and it wasn't meant to be.