Gabor Szantai
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The young Rákóczi László lost his life d ...

The young Rákóczi László lost his life during the siege of Várad...

May 28, 2022

It happened on 27 May 1664 in Hungarian history:

The young Rákóczi László lost his life during the siege of Várad...

I've completed my article on his interesting life that ended in the same year when Zrínyi Miklós died.

Rákóczi László (1633-1664) was not only a brave son of a famous family but he was also a well-educated man who left behind his Diary which is a valuable source about the social life of the age.

Had he lived longer, he could have filled a very important go-between function between Emperor Leopold, Zrínyi Miklós (Nikola Zrinski), and the Transylvanian noblemen.


Things were getting worse in the eastern part of the Kingdom of Hungary and in the Transylvanian Principality when Pasha Szejdi launched his punishing campaign and Prince Rákóczi György II died from the wounds he got in the battle of Szászfenes in 1660.

You can read several articles about these events on my page because the years between 1657 and 1664 were perhaps the darkest years in the history of the “Hungaries” (Royal Hungary, Principality of Transylvania, and the Ottoman Occupied Lands of Hungary) in the 17th century, except for the Reconquest Wars of Hungary at the end of the century.


As Várad remained without a commander and only a few soldiers guarded it, Rákóczi László thought it could be retaken by a sudden ambush.

Rákóczi was leading a smaller Hungarian-Austrian army and on his way, he was joined by the soldiers of Kálló and Szatmár castles. They planned to hit the large agricultural fair held in Várad at Pentecost, the attackers wanted to take advantage of the crowds of people.

They also wanted to free a certain captive, Barkóczy Zsigmond who was held in Várad castle. According to a different source, Rákóczi László sneaked into the castle in Turk disguise, leading a handful of his picked men to open the gate but things went wrong and they were discovered and slaughtered. Rákóczi’s head was put on a stake and placed on the rampart above the castle’s gate.


Read the story of the siege and learn more about his life:

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