Gabor Szantai
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The 267th castle on my page is Temesvár. ...

The 267th castle on my page is Temesvár...

Nov 07, 2021

Temesvár (Timisoara, Temeschburg, Temeşvar) is the center of the Bánát area, used to be the entrance of Transylvania from the direction of the Great Hungarian Plain.

It can be found in Romania: who would forget the Hungarian and Romanian heroes of Temesvár who triggered the Revolution in 1989 that finally has overthrown the communist dictator’s rule?

Now, the town is populated by several ethnic groups, Hungarians, Serbs, Romanians, Slovaks, Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Germans, and Roma people. The town is also described as “small Vienna” because of its beautiful buildings.

The region was populated in the second part of the 10th century A.D. by Hungarians whose cemetery was found near Temesvár.

The name “Temes” derives from the name of the Temes river while “vár” stands for “castle”. Temesvár was first mentioned in the Register of Arad around 1177. Next time, it appeared in a document issued by King András II of Hungary, it was called Castrum Temesiense.

Here is more about its rich history, and many more pictures:

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