Keszthely's weird siege in 1609

Keszthely's weird siege in 1609

Feb 08, 2023

Let me show you Keszthely's old castle (or its traces) because I have just improved the article on its history with the siege of 1609, inspired by Kiss Csaba's research.

Keszthely was an important castle of the Borderland near Lake Balaton. The castle had already two chapels after the Mongol invasion in 1247, dedicated to St. Lőrinc and St. Márton. The city’s landlord was Laczkffy István in 1386 who built its church and the Franciscan Monastery.


The castle was not a very serious fort of the Borderland in the 16th century, it could not have withstood a systematic siege. The king paid 50 riders and 100 infantrymen to guard it. The city of Keszthely was raided and plundered by the Ottoman Agha of Koppány castle in 1589 who could not take the castle of Keszthely, though.


Read more about its history on my page:

Picture: by Juliska Kovácsné (You can see the map of the old castle on the wall of the church.)


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