Entry #7: Thanksgiving

Entry #7: Thanksgiving

Nov 18, 2022

The thanksgiving holiday. I don't think about it very often living here in Africa but the holiday still means something to me.

The Drive

Some of my best thanksgiving memories are just traveling especially with my big brother. When he had his black Nissan Maxima and his license we would relax, play games, or do our own things until it was time to leave home. I did enjoy the time with my brother as he drove and I was a passenger music DJ. (I changed the mixed CD we would listen to.) I'm a simple guy and those times I will never forget as brother hang out thanksgiving.


I liked visiting the different sides of the family; mom and dad's sides. My brother and I would roll up and park. It was nice seeing everyone and hearing "Oh it's Bernard and DJ." Thinking back now it was funny how that was the way most relatives would announce us. We would split up to visit as many relatives as we could talk to staying for about an hour while sampling the dishes. I would always keep the conversation short because I never wanted to dump a whole year of life in someone's ears.


Yes! The most awaited moment of the holidays is the food! We knew who to go see on this day of food! Hands down is always mom's cooking; when she felt like cooking for the holiday. (Sure it's the same for a lot of us). Over on mom's side, we would visit and grab sweet potato pies, mac n cheese, cake, and bbq meatballs. Dad's side to grab shredded dear meat, ham, rice, turkey, and greens. Pop's side for the chicken, cabbage, ribs, and cornbread. LOL, That back seat had so much food in it by the time we got done visiting at the end of the nice. Separated and stacked with our initials on the foil. Thinking back we should have brought a marker to make labeling the food easier.[Helpful tip]

The holiday of thanksgiving in its traditional form still means something to me being with family, talking, and laughing all while enjoying great food! I'm sure a lot of you reading this can understand where I coming from. I could imagine you have similar stories like this. I'd be more than happy to hear it if you would like to share it with me.

Thank you for reading another journal entry! I'd also like to thank you for liking, sharing with others, and commenting on the content I'm making. I look forward to sharing more! Later

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