New Album on it's way!

New Album on it's way!

Apr 15, 2024

hey team!

You might have seen this page changing a bit over the last little while as I set it up for all of you to follow this album recording project and adventure in Bali!

As a bit of backstory...

I got two nudges late last year on things that I 'needed' to do - we'll call it intuition so it makes sense.

One was which I have been putting a lot of time into and am absolutely stoked about, an indie songwriters night where we film and record the artists to share quality content for them, and give them a space where they are the centre of attention instead of bar vibes etc that a lot of us often play to/in. (If you're in Auckland - come to a show!)

The second nudge - go to Bali and check out from doing live shows for a while and record my own album.

It's still really nervous and exciting for me to do this and focus on sharing my own tunes with you all as the sole focus. I leave in 4 days, and whilst everything will come together, there's still a lot to do and making sure I've got all the gear I need when I get on the plane too!

I don't quite know in what format this album will take shape, I'm simply aware I have a lot of tunes that haven't been recorded or shared (some of which I've toured with already), and they need recording and sharing out to the world!

I'm actually staying in the original hotel where I wrote 'I Can't Be Your Friend' when I first land for a few days to settle and have a base. Turns out I think it offers pretty cheap offers most of the time (why I stayed there the first time haha).

Lastly - to those of you here reading this - thank you for your support much more than you realise. Anytime I've made a change to pursue something new and asked for support there's always somebody who steps in and does so, or sends me a message or a note and says you got this, and whilst I'll continue making this happen regardless - getting that little notification on the days when things are tough or I'm questioning myself truly means a lot.

See you in Bali with my headphones on and Logic open (my recording software).



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