2023 Fall Ministry Update

2023 Fall Ministry Update

Oct 29, 2023


As someone who has always really enjoyed sending updates to my partners - online readers, viewers, overseas representatives, or my neighbor next door, I have become interested in keeping each up to date with the progress of our donor's dollars. It's important.

There is a bit to think about when sending an update to our donors and readers. But when you remember that everyone partnering with our ministry isn’t there daily to see what we are doing, it is important to inform all of you about "what" God is doing. I believe these updates are crucial.

First, I would like to thank all those who support our ministry via readers & viewers. Since we are mostly an online ministry, you make our ministry work. We honor your readership/viewership—secondly, thank you to our donors. Managing an online ministry is expensive - social media fees, equipment renewals, software upgrades, office expenses, and missionary financial support. We manage every donor dollar meticulously.


We love numbers for one reason. It proves that volume produces a higher number of salvations and the reshaping of the believer's identity in Christ. Since 12% of our inboxes respond with life-changing testimonies, the higher the overall volume, the more lives reached for Jesus Christ. Therefore, we relentlessly pursue more venues to increase the volume of conversions. Here are some of the numbers for this year:

  • In 2023, we reached 586,000 inboxes through our Constant Contact email platform.

  • Within our social media accounts, over 2 million readers/viewers received our posts.

  • Since opening our Gloo account two months ago, each month, we reach 3,500+ cell phones with our new "IM Truth Campaign and IM Prayer Team" text messaging service. The service provides quick identity devotionals as well as taking prayer requests globally. You can join by texting "subscribe" to (833) 249-9731. Become an IM Prayer Team member HERE.

  • As of today, our YouTube channel has had 2,521,700 views, averaging 72,000 views per month. We host around 5,000 subscribers. During 2023, we released multiple series - The End Times Documentary, the End Times 'shorts,' The End Times Podcasts, the Galatian Series, Fruit of the Spirit 'short' videos, multiple worship videos, Facing the Giants Series, one full-featured film, several movie trailers, many Culture & Christ short videos, and now the Number Seven Series.

  • This year, we have started our own video platform on our website - IMTV. It is an annual pay-per-use service. This blocks censorship that may surface through YouTube or other related services. It is costly but needed.

  • Our Substack channel, which hosts the End Times Chronicles, the IM Writer's Forum, and the IM Discipleship Tools, has reached 124,277 inboxes within 2023. Within Substack, they host a social platform called "Notes." This is where I conduct discipleship, newsletter releases, news items, book announcements, and many other dialogues. I call it the church I pastor. We host many followers with a plethora of testimonies of changed lives.

  • The IM Blog has slowed because I placed most of my writings on Substack. However, each blog we post reaches 1,598 inboxes. In 2024, we plan to multiply this venue again with outside writers we support.

  • In 2023, we launched the Jack the Journey Substack podcast. An adult & child favorite.

  • A new series was launched on Substack titled "Johnny, the Day After." This is a flash fiction series based on life after the Rapture.

  • We refined our "Rapture Ready" website. This site provides all the basics in preparing for the day of the Rapture, with direct links to Dr. David Jeremiah's video content - The Great Disappearance.

  • IOM started the "Save the Children" portal—a website dedicated to child trafficking.

  • Starting in January 2024, we plan to release a yearlong Substack series titled "Identity Politics." The series will set up a book to be released on Election Day 2024. The articles will extract the faith of Presidents, soldiers, politicians, and other American heroes who put their faith in Christ. The purpose is to revive readers' hearts with the hope and encouragement needed in a rough election term.

  • Our Zoom discipleship has grown significantly this year. I host regular meetings through this venue. It is the final connecting point of working with people online until they are ready for a face-to-face meeting. It works seamlessly.

  • We released the following books this year - This Preeminent Darkness, Permissible Suffocation, Victory in His Indwelling, Covenant Marriage & Family, Servant Leadership, The Indwelling Spiritual Gifts, the End Times - The Brewing Storm, and Nehemiah - The Man & The Legend. We have released sixteen books in total.

We have many other projects in the pipeline that we will report on at the end of December. We are beyond excited about how our Lord is using our little ministry. Honestly, we couldn't do what we do without you.

I would like to close with several of our many testimonies:

Geoffrey Stroud

I admit my reluctance to enter the world of social media, then along comes this. Are we to preach to the converted or the harvest? The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. It takes courage to enter dark rooms, but how else can the light shine?

Matthew T. Adams

Brother...because of you...I have learned so much here about not only God and His Word...AND Substack. I cannot say "Thank You" enough. I need to read and re-read these articles several times...I need to absorb every delicious word! Thank you! You...are appreciated!!!

Dave Alston

Thanks, Stephen. When I first saw this, it made me so happy! Simple or what? In a pickle... just ask Jesus to pray for you :) The question is... why it took me so long to realize I could just ask Him to help like this, and He would be more than willing... because He is alive, after all... and ... obviously... still praying for all His wee sheep, eh? :)

Kimberly Kinser

FINALLY!!! Someone in ministry that tells the TRUTH!!! Wow!!! Hallelujah and praise Jesus, the only worthy one!! As we sit in the collective dung heap of several generations of false teaching (the prosperity “gospel,” the grace grace grace “gospel,” etc.) and reap the whirlwind of relativism’s effluent, we are left as sheep without shepherds. We have ear ticklers, not shepherds, in our pulpits. At best, they are flattering liars, worried more about their numbers than the Gospel.

Please don't remain silent. We would be honored to have your comments regarding this report.

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