À propos LJ
working towards a happier, more equal world
Hi! I spend a lot of my time doing things for free which I really care about. I write blogs, articles and letters, I strategise, protest and volunteer. And I also provide free education and resources. If you appreciate what I make and do, I would be very grateful if you would donate the price of a coffee here. I give my time for free, but I spend money paying for internet hosting, and on equipment and resources. I also support a number of charities and organisations working to make a better world (Asthma & Lung UK; MedAct; Doctors of the World; Migrants Organise and others). Send a small amount of cash my way and bask in the glow of your good deed all week!
Donateurs récents
Someone a acheté un coffee .
Lizzie a acheté 5 coffees .
Thanks for the training day LJ, really interesting morning, sorry I couldn't make it face to face
Sofiyan a acheté 2 coffees .