Slay, Then Rosé!

Slay, Then Rosé!

Aug 06, 2020

Hey Squirrel friends!

So I love photographing events. Like, seriously love it. There's something indescribable about that feeling at an event when you see a moment coming up & get yourself into position, you take a moment to make sure your technicals are correct & you press down on that shutter before the moment has gone forever, hoping to God that you didn't leave the lens cap on (Kidding!! Kinda....) I love photographing big events because you can find all these beautiful little moments that would otherwise go amiss amongst the hubbub & chaos of everything, especially at Prides. Pride events are all about everyone coming together to forget about our differences and to show & spread love, which is a message I feel is even more prevalent in these uncertain times. I want my photography work at Pride events to bring happiness to people, but also to stand as a beacon to everyone in our LGBTQ+ community & our allies that, although dark days may lie ahead, we will always come together to celebrate & our show our love to each other.

So here we are, a collection of some of my favourite images that I've shot for a few Pride events over the past few years. Humblebrag alert; I'm very happy to say that the first image in this collection won the Love in London Photography Award for 2020! Anywho, I hope that these images bring you joy to look through & show, in some part, why I love photographing Prides so much. Hope you enjoy & as always, if you like what you see, please do feel free to buy me a rosé!

Loves & things,

Jamie xx

Pride Proposal

Trans Pride

Peace & Love


Drag On The Water


See What's Happening

Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer

If You Don't Support Trans Rights, You Don't Belong At Pride

And The Crowd Goes Wild

Support QTIPOC

My Dads Are Gay & I'm OK!

Rainbow Man

3, 2, 1.... GO!


Black Trans Lives Matter

Dykes on Bikes

Together in Pride

Captain Marvel

Love Is A Human Right

Scream & Shout

Pride Traditions

Save our Scene

Master Of The (Fabulous) Arts

Rainbow Beard

Taking A Nap

Let's Groove

God Save All Queens

London Titans FC

Peter Tatchell


Come Together


Be Proud

War Paint

I'm Just Going To Have A Lie-Down

Piggy Back Ride


Miss L'Oreal

Caution, Wet Floor

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