Detox School

Feb 23, 2022

BLAOw! detox is coming!

This is poised to be such a profound game changer for so very many people!

BLAOw! detox

It's a detoxification process that has been buried for 3000+ years.

This detoxification method was effectively used up to 5000 years ago.

Our detox contains only one ingredient.

Google results lied when I directly asked Google if coconut oil can be used to detox; the article actually suggested that you consume the detox and might contract diarrhea as a result.

I've studied the detox for seven years now.

It's time to release these findings and help as many humans as humanly possible.

I've observed others pass probation urinalysis for drugs of abuse after use; twice.

I've observed the systemic changes in my own body after only semi-regular use for less than two weeks.

I'm of the opinion that my detoxification method is capable of extending the lives of individuals with poorly functioning waste removal systems, such as the kidneys and the liver.

I'll share more soon along with the explainers, rationales and instructions.

Stay tuned!

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