Apr 16, 2024

I did it!
I have been offered a licence to be a TTC Underground Sounds Subway Musician.
3 years of guaranteed work. I am so grateful.
As the whole point of starting my page here was to give people a virtual tipping option while I busk, it is only fitting that I share the news.
I also have this pesky need to pay for the permit ($197.75) on April 22. I just renewed my City of Toronto licence for another $51.70. And, my beast of a walker really needs some TLC. For those who do not know, I have mobility issues and I was blessed to find a device that almost seems designed to accommodate a guitar. If it breaks down, I cannot get my guitar around - nor myself very far. Just to have someone look at it is going to cost me $80 (plus tax, I imagine).
Isn't the problem with money always that you have to have it to make it?
So, as is the whole point of this platform, I am asking for your support in the hope that in the future, I won't have to. Now that I will be exposed to far more traffic in the real world, I anticipate a similar increase here. What does that mean? There will be far more to share here as well. What that will look like is still in flux. We are being "oriented" on Friday (April 19) and I receive the rotation schedule the following Monday.
To start, expect information on where and when I will be playing. And, anticipate reflections on this new adventure in sharing gifts that were meant to be shared.
Life is a fun ride.
Anything you can offer, to help pave the way, is so greatly appreciated.
May your day be full of light!

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