Hanging with the trees

Hanging with the trees

May 23, 2021

So, here we are; sitting by the library; breathing sunshine and trees. If I had a battery pack that I could plug my laptop into, I might actually make regular posts.
The truth is, I never have been a fan of the virtual world. I much prefer (and tend to be better) spontaneously entertaining and/or engaging in meaningful conversations with strangers in public. How and where I feel I give the most value.
My page here really is intended as a place for those who find value in what I give freely, to reciprocate as desired, without having to dig for change.
That said, I hope if you are reading this, you have shared (or will soon) such an experience with me.
Tomorrow, May 24, 2021, I will be down at the boardwalk, with my strings and some other things. Here's a cover I've been working on for the occasion. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CPOuvWWAGDr/?hl=en
If you are wandering by, say "Hi".
I am always happy to be engaged.

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