Don’t quit. REST

Mar 07, 2023

Due to your lifestyle choices, your energy or Qi can become depleted. If you don't take time out for self-care vou can also become more suceptible to illness.

Have any of these symptoms: exhaustion, worry, fear, stress, illness, etc.,? #didyouknow Acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, soundbaths, yoga and Qigong exercises all can help you to detox, cultivate and strengthen the body's energy system.

Feeling drained, tired & overworked? Rest, Don't quit! Try Acupuncture, cupping, moxa, attend a soundbath, or do Yoga or Qigong.

#TCM #acupuncture #soundbath #cupping #moxa #yoga #qigong #relax #rest #restore #zen #qi #balance #peace

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