Victor Duse
30 sostenitori
How To Change The WordPress Favicon (202 ...

How To Change The WordPress Favicon (2024)

Apr 02, 2024

Updating your WordPress site's favicon is crucial for your website branding. This small image, alongside your logo and design elements, enhances your site's identity. Without a custom favicon, WordPress defaults to its own logo, missing a chance for unique branding.

Video tutorial: Adding a favicon in WordPress

Adding a Favicon in Classic WordPress Themes:

  1. Go to Appearance » Customize in your WordPress dashboard.

  2. Click General Settings, then Site Identity.

  3. Choose Select site icon or Change image.

  4. Upload your favicon or select from your media library.

  5. Ensure it's at least 512x512px and in PNG format.

  6. Crop if needed and publish.

With these steps, your new favicon should be visible in the browser tab. If not, clear site and browser cache, then refresh.

Adding a Favicon in a WordPress Block Theme:

  1. Visit Appearance » Editor.

  2. Click your site header.

  3. Navigate to Header below AREAS.

  4. Upload your logo image.

  5. Enable "Use as site icon" or click Site Icon settings.

  6. Upload your favicon and publish.

For a quick Block Theme shortcut:

  1. Add /wp-admin/customize.php after your domain.

  2. Go to Site Identity and upload your favicon.

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