The WHO and Dietary Fat: Still No Suppor ...

The WHO and Dietary Fat: Still No Support for Lowering Saturated Fat Intake

Mar 26, 2023

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently published a report called Saturated fat and trans-fat intakes and their replacement with other macronutrients (found here).

This analysis was conducted "to inform World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations for intakes of SFA [saturated fats] and TFA [trans-fats]."

Based on their analysis, the authors concluded:

Consideration of the totality of evidence available from prospective observational studies provides convincing evidence that replacing SFA and TFA with other macronutrients may reduce risk of mortality and CHD.

Of course, the statement that replacing saturated fat with other macronutrients "may" reduce risk is one that expresses uncertainty. And for good reason.

If we examine the data, we will also see that replacing saturated fat with other macronutrients "may not" reduce risk.

To illustrate, let us look at their various analyses.

Saturated Fat and Total Mortality

The WHO report states:

Higher reported intakes of SFA were associated with increased risk of premature mortality when compared with lower intakes.

But an association alone does not prove anything.

To determine whether there might be a causal effect, we also need to consider the strength of association, consistency of association, dose-response, and so on (1).

For strength of association, the finding was very weak:

imagen (Image: Only small epidemiological biases are needed to explain away an average relative risk increase of 8%. Note also the confidence interval, which includes weaker associations or no association at all)

For consistency of association, there was unexplained inconsistency (I2 = 90%). Studies reported estimates clearly below 1 (benefit), relatively close to 1 (neutral), and clearly above 1 (harm).

Nor was there any evidence of a dose-response relationship: imagen

In fact, the authors used the GRADE approach to evaluate the certainty of evidence, which considers strength, consistency, and dose-response (among others).

For all categories, the certainty of evidence was rated as "low" or "very low," meaning there is little confidence in the estimates. The true effect may be substantially different.


Thus, the epidemiological evidence is perfectly compatible with the idea that lowering saturated fat intake "may not" reduce mortality (2-9).

Other Endpoints

The WHO review also looked at cardiovascular disease and diabetes, but there were no robust associations between saturated fat, animal fat, or dairy fat and any of these endpoints.

Just as with total mortality, the certainty of evidence was "very low" or "low."


Furthermore, the WHO report only included studies up to October 2020. At this time of writing, twelve more cohorts have been published showing no evidence of an association between saturated fat and cardiovascular outcomes (2,5-15).

The Malmo and HUSK cohorts, for instance, suggested that saturated fat was actually associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular events (10,11).

imagen (Image: Cardiovascular event analysis when newer cohorts are added)

And a few cohorts even provided splines showing no dose-response relationships, consistent with the WHO report:


Thus, there are no convincing associations between saturated fat and cardiovascular outcomes.

Replacement Models

The WHO review asserts that replacing saturated fat with other macronutrients may reduce the risk of mortality and CHD.

In epidemiological studies, however, no one replaces saturated fat with anything. It is fantasy, as the WHO report admits:

Substitution analyses are based on statistical modelling of the data available from prospective observational studies; they are not the same as experimental data where intakes are changed.

But even if we assume the validity of this approach, the certainty of evidence for almost all replacement models was "low" or "very low."

And the results are more inconsistent than often portrayed.

For example, the WHO claimed a beneficial association for "replacing" saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat, but I found several other reports suggesting otherwise (7,11,13,16-19).

Some of these inconsistencies were highlighted in a 2021 paper by Gaeini and colleagues, stating (13):

The results of previous studies regarding the effect of substitution dietary fats on CVD risk are conflicting and not conclusive. Similar to our findings, some previous studies suggested that replacing total SFA with carbohydrate, MUFA and PUFA had no beneficial effects on CVD risk, while some others suggested a higher risk of CVD for replacing total SFA with total carbohydrate, MUFA, PUFA or animal protein.

There are also strong indications of residual confounding bias in some "replacement" cohorts.

The Zhuang cohort, for instance, claimed associations between saturated fat and non-cardiovascular outcomes (respiratory disease, infections, injuries/accidents, etc.). And these associations were as great or greater in magnitude than the association between saturated fat and cardiovascular mortality (20).

But associations for these non-cardiovascular outcomes are what we expect from confounders like pollution, smoking, occupation, and other socioeconomic factors (21,22). If we were to believe the results, we would have to believe that minor increases in saturated fat cause injuries and accidents.

Unfortunately, large cohorts such as Zhuang et al. tend to influence the results of meta-analyses, but are not necessarily valid (23):

Bigger studies are not necessarily better. Large numbers provide greater precision, but not greater validity. Very large studies commonly give precisely wrong answers, ie, high reproducibility but poor validity because of selection bias and inadequate control of confounding.

In support of this, we should note that actual replacement of saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat has already been tested in dietary trials, and the results do not support a benefit.

To quote Ramsden and colleagues (24):

Available evidence from randomized controlled trials shows that replacement of saturated fat in the diet with linoleic acid effectively lowers serum cholesterol but does not support the hypothesis that this translates to a lower risk of death from coronary heart disease or all causes.

imagen (Image: Taken from reference 24)

Tissue Measurements

According to the WHO report:

We examined both dietary intakes and the fatty acid composition of relevant tissue and blood lipids as an objective biomarker of intake, because tissue and blood fatty acids are mainly derived from dietary fatty acids.

But the paper cited in support of this statement showed inconsistent and generally weak associations between saturated fat intakes and tissue/blood measurements (25).

One author of the WHO, in fact, was involved in a study showing no association between dietary saturated fatty acids and plasma saturated fatty acids (26).

Even some of the very studies included in their meta-analysis expressed caution in interpreting tissue/blood measurements as a reflection of dietary intake.

In the EPIC cohort, the researchers stated (27):

Plasma phospholipid SFAs might be indicative of both dietary and metabolic influences, affected by interplay of complex exogenous and genetic factors, which we were unable to tease out. This raises caution against inferring dietary consumption on the basis of measurements of SFAs that are not exclusively exogenously derived.

And from the Cardiovascular Health Study (28):

Several determinants influence the levels of these FAs in the body. Direct sources of 16:0 and 18:1n-9 are abundant in the diet, but dietary intakes of these FAs appear to be poorly correlated with circulating levels.

The unreliability of using tissue/blood measurements for (most) dietary saturated fatty acids has also been discussed in many other reports (29-31).

Not surprisingly, the recent INTERLIPID study found very weak to nonexistent correlations between dietary saturated fatty acids and blood levels but stronger and more consistent correlations for fatty acids like EPA and DHA (32).


Additionally, estimates of dietary intake and tissue measurements on disease outcomes can contradict one another.

In the WHO report, tissue measurement of palmitic acid was associated with diabetes while myristic acid was not. But in a meta-analysis of dietary intake, palmitic acid was not associated with diabetes while myristic acid (and lauric acid) was associated with a reduced risk (33).

Likewise, the WHI Observational Study found an association between plasma phospholipid saturated fatty acids (correlated with alcohol intake) and coronary events (34). But in the WHI randomized trial, there was no evidence of benefit for a diet lower in saturated fat (35).

Point is: Tissue/blood measurements of saturated fatty acids are not validated markers of dietary saturated fatty acids in epidemiological cohorts.


Contrary to what the WHO claims, their own review does not provide convincing evidence for replacing saturated fat with other macronutrients.

Interestingly, when discussing the limitations of the review, the authors state:

The GRADE assessment that some of the associations were based on “low quality” evidence may also be considered a weakness.

But the GRADE assessment is a strength of the review, not a weakness. The fact that the quality of evidence is graded as "low" simply illustrates the weaknesses of the epidemiological evidence against saturated fat.

And the authors should have taken it a step further to emphasize that causation was not established, just as the WHO PUFA review admitted (36):

Observational studies cannot provide causal evidence of an effect of PUFA [or SFA] on the development of health outcomes addressed, they can only describe associations.

Thus, a proper reading of the WHO report can only lead to one conclusion: We still have no support for lowering saturated fat intake.


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