2022 in review

Jan 03, 2023

Happy New Year! Another year, another retrospektive! It's time to look at the past and see what I have been working on. Partly possible because of your support! If I haven't said it yet, thank you again! That's why you also get this email to see what you helped to build.

For the fans of statistics, my time was spent as follows:

  • 42% Rain Alarm

  • 20% Severe Weather!

  • 11% Server Infrastructure

  • 10% Emails

  • 9% Answering reviews & daily chores

  • 8% Other apps, further education, taxes, ...

Rain Alarm

The most important and single most work-intensive task was the "Filter AI". After spending some time last year refreshing my memory on the field of Deep Learning I continually prepared training and test data for a better filter mechanism for radar echoes that are not precipitation. This year I found a model architecture that produced great results and so this solution was already released for Spain and Argentina. Basically this means much less false alarms for those countries. More to come in 2023!

Here an comparison between no filter, the old filter, and the new filter for Spain:

New radar stations have been added for Croatia, Australia, India, Canada, and Thailand. And of course there have been updates, fixes, etc. in the background and the apps.

Severe Weather!

A lot of time spent for this app, but most of this has been preparing new things to come in 2023! Many more countries will be added, hopefully more translations, too, and a new platform is coming (despite Android). Stay tuned!

By the way, what do you think of renaming the app? I thought of using the German word "Unwetter" internationally and adding "(severe weather warnings)"as a suffix. This would be much more unique than "Severe Weather" or "Mal Tiempo" but I'm uncertain if it really makes sense. What do you think? Any input appreciated!

Other Apps and Work

A lot of time has also been spent on the server infrastructure. Every few years this has to be brought to a more modern platform and in 2022 it was about time. Everything is now running at the latest version and ready for the coming years.

There have been small updates for Dig Pig, Mind Leak, and Altitudeless, but honestly nothing spectacular. For the coming year I would like to get more help with all the various tasks, but I'm not yet sure how this will look like. At least for Severe Weather an old colleague and friend is already helping out since 3 months for a few hours every week.

Other than that

3 big running challenges done: The 4x4x48 Goggins Challenge, Harzquerung - my first ultra marathon with 53 km / 33 mi, and the Stubai K32. No big plans in this regard in the new year, but just to keep running. Less structured training and more fun is the idea!

I spent one week last year as a work-, hike- and run-cation. So basically this is like vacation but hardly with any leisure time. The mornings I spent running or hiking in the mountains and the afternoons and evenings I spent working. This was actually really productive work-wise! Less distractions and much more done than usually. So I want to repeat this in 2023 a couple of times.

And here more statistics: 2663 km / 1655 mi of running with 34000 m / 111500 ft of elevation, 13 books read

A nice storm while being on the work-cation

Wait, why did I get this?

You have supported me at buymeacoffee.com. Once in a while I post a general update on my work here. You can unsubscribe from these updates with the link at the bottom of this email.

Who are you again?

I'm an independent developer, the creator of Rain Alarm, Severe Weather!, Dig Pig, Mind Leak, and Altitudeless. When I'm not working on an app, you'll usually find me running, hiking, or reading.

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