A comprehensive view of what is ‘Statist ...

A comprehensive view of what is ‘Statistics’

Mar 12, 2023

Statistics is a methodological subject encompassing all aspects of learning from data.

Now, what do we mean by ‘methodological’ and especially in the context of statistics? Methodological here means step-by-step process tools & methods for working with and understanding data.

And these steps are Collection, Classification, Tabulation, Analysis and Interpretation.

  1. Collection: This includes types of data collection - Primary and Secondary data collection

  2. Classification: This includes a grouping of related facts into different classes. To classify data in such a manner that it becomes ready for proper presentation. It’s necessary because statistical data in its raw form almost defies comprehension. When data is presented in an easy-to-read form, it can help the reader to acquire knowledge in a quick/shorter time and can also facilitate analysis. Data classification can be in the below forms -

  • Geographical

  • Chronological

  • Quantitative

  • Qualitative

3. Tabulation: A statistical table is a presentation of numbers in a logical arrangement with some brief explanation to show what they are

  • Simple table

  • Complex table

4. Analysis: This is to explore the properties of data. The statistical tools which describe the properties of the data are known as Descriptive Statistics.

  • Central tendency

  • Measure of dispersion

  • Skewness

5. Interpretation: This comes under inferential statistics, which is used to make interpretations about a set of data, specifically to determine the likelihood that a conclusion about a sample is true.

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