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2022-10-18 Putin has no regrets for lau ...

2022-10-18 Putin has no regrets for launching the Ukraine war

Oct 18, 2022
Hi everyone, welcome to Difference Frames the World, a demonetized channel to see the world from a different angle. Last time, we discussed the Ukraine conflict. We stated that the Russian special military operation had almost become an all-out war between NATO and Russia, and it turns out that we were correct again. Russian President Vladimir Putin held a press conference in Astana, Kazakhstan, several days ago, talking about the special military operation in Ukraine. Putin said that Russia did not want to destroy Ukraine and that there was no need for Russian troops to carry out another series of strikes on Ukrainian military infrastructure. He explained that there was no need for a large-scale strike and there were other tasks. According to the Russian president, strikes on seven of the 29 Ukrainian infrastructure targets on the Russian Defence Ministry's plan did not unfold as scheduled. But these targets are being completed gradually. At the press conference, Putin also answered questions from journalists, saying he had "no regrets" about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine while warning NATO that a direct conflict with Russia would cause a global catastrophe. The Russian troops experienced setbacks recently, but Putin asserted that if Russia had not started the special military operation in Ukraine, his country would face the same situation afterwards. It might be worse for the Russian people, and Putin added that his actions were proper and timely. Some asked Putin about the possibility of NATO involvement in the Russia and Ukraine conflict if Ukraine failed. Putin warned NATO not to do so. For NATO, sending troops to confront Russia would be dangerous and lead to a global disaster. Putin also confirmed at the press conference that Russia had completed the mobilization of more than 220,000 people and that all mobilization measures would be completed within two weeks. According to AFP, when asked about the possibility of talking with US President Joe Biden during the G20 summit, Putin said he did not see the need to meet with the latter. On October 16, 2022, Ukrainian troops launched three Hymas self-propelled rockets, one of which hit Donetsk's city administration building, causing severe damage. Donetsk and three other regions were annexed by Russia, even though few countries recognized them as part of Russia. Ukraine is still fighting to win those regions back, but the Russians have changed their strategy after several setbacks. They used missiles and rockets to attack major infrastructure in Ukraine, and air raid warnings were issued in dozens of cities like Kyiv, Cherkasy and Poltava. In the previous video, we said the negotiation between Russia and Ukraine was unlikely, and we still maintain that peace talks between Moscow and Kyiv are out of the question at present. The war between Ukraine and Russia is a proxy war between Washington and Moscow, aiming to weaken Russia and paralyze Europe. Three decades ago, the Cold War ended unexpectedly with the collapse of the former Soviet Union, and the United States became the world's only superpower. The USA did not defeat the USSR militarily. Instead, the naivety and folly of the former Soviet Union's leader, who died not long ago, destroyed the world's first and largest socialist country from the inside. With the dollar, technological, and military hegemony, the United States tries its best to keep the so-called rules-based international order. However, Russia's nuclear arsenal and China's economic strength constantly worry American politicians. The power shift from the West to the east is irreversible, and Asia is becoming the world's new center. As a result, former US President Obama started implementing his "pivot to Asia" strategy, hoping to divide and control Asia. Having been Obama's vice president for eight years, the incumbent US President, Joe Biden, was deeply involved in the process. What he is doing now in Euroasia is an extension of Obama's eastward strategy. As their forefathers always did, American politicians are not hesitant to interfere violently in other countries by messing up their domestic affairs, undermining their core interests, and causing humanitarian disasters to divide and control the world. Russia is a victim of this so-called rules-based international order, and Putin signals to set up a new international order. The Ukraine conflict appears to be a struggle between Russia and Ukraine, but in reality, it is a game between the Western bloc and Russia. At the beginning of the war, the United States led its European allies to adopt a comprehensive siege against Russia, covering energy, science and technology, economic and trade, transportation, and education. They even sanctioned Russia's trees, cats and dogs. In a few months, the number of sanctions faced by Russia exceeded 5,000. More than 300 billion foreign exchange reserves have been frozen in the economic field. Russia cannot export energy effectively in the energy sector due to Western restrictions on transportation, prices and purchases. Russia has lost the supply of high-end semiconductors and chips from the West in the science and technology sector. Russia has responded strongly in the face of the West's fierce sanctions. At the beginning of March, Russia introduced the "Ruble Settlement Order, which European countries reluctantly followed stealthily. Russia is the world's biggest country and a top energy supplier in the global market, and it also has the world's number one nuclear arsenal, boasting over 6000 warheads. After the former Soviet Union collapsed, Russia wanted to become part of NATO, and Russian President Putin had a good relationship with former US President George Bush Junior. Putin used to be naive and simple-minded, so he was fooled by the dumb guy in the White House at that time. NATO is America's NATO, and it is impossible to admit Russia as a member. If Russia had become part of NATO, the US could have lost the leadership of NATO permanently due to the proximity of Moscow to the military alliance in the northern Atlantic. Not only was Russia rejected as part of NATO, but it also had been chosen as NATO's enemy, so the US could always control its allies. Russia has been trying to become part of Europe for decades, although a large part of its land is in Asia. It is worth mentioning that NATO expanded eastward, again and again, five times, and included most Warsaw Pact member states in the military alliance. Russia finally gave up hope of becoming a NATO member. We analyzed NATO in a previous video several months ago, and today we still believe that it is a tool for the US to maintain its global dominance. In the Ukraine conflict, NATO is fighting indirectly with Russia by supplying weapons and intelligence to Ukrainians. It has also trained Ukrainian pilots for them to fly F16 warplanes, possibly early next year. Moreover, NATO did not take Putin's threats seriously and started its routine nuclear deterrence drills amid tensions with Moscow. Interestingly, NATO claimed that its drills were unrelated to the Ukraine conflict and not linked to tensions with Russia. Is the third world war coming? Will NATO and Russia go to war directly? We hardly think so. No country wants a nuclear war that will ruin the whole world, particularly those who want to make a massive profit from wars. Russia has annexed four Ukrainian republics and states as it took over Crimea. We believe Russians will slow down on the battlefield in the winter, and its primary task now is to drive Ukrainian troops out of the four newly acquired states. Moscow has got enough out of the conflict, as the four states it annexed used to be Ukraine's major industrial and agricultural regions. The war with Ukraine also stops NATO from admitting Kyiv, as NATO does not accept any country at war as its new member. The war has lasted for nearly eight months, and one out of four Ukrainians has become poor, and if the war continues, more than half of the country's citizens will not be able to sustain themselves any longer. Apart from Ukrainians, most Europeans are facing a harsh winter, as the explosions of two Nord Stream pipelines stopped Russia's cheap natural gas from entering Europe. As a result, the United States is confident that Europe will accept its overpriced LNG, which is four times higher than before. We have often said that the United States is interested in interests only and has no sense of partnership or friendship. By the way, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and other EU nations are never America's friends. European Union leaders have long overestimated their importance to the United States. Half a year ago, we published a video asserting that the United States would be the biggest winner in the short run, but in the long run, its hegemony will be undermined by its greed. Middle East countries began to say no to Washington, and OPEC plus decided to cut its oil production to keep the high petroleum price from dropping. The US has increased its LNG price but wants OPEC countries to lower the oil price. However, no one wants to entertain it this time. Saudi Arabia even intended to join the BRICS bloc with Egypt and Turkey. Although the United States is declining quickly, it is becoming even more desperate to maintain the so-called rules-based international order. China and Russia disagree. They want a new world order that favours all nations, not the current one for a specific country only. In the following video, we will talk about the competition between the US and China. Stay tuned.
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