I miss 2015

Mar 24, 2023

The world is fucked eh? can you believe some people don’t think pineapple belongs on pizza.


Anyway, you’ll notice the tone of my tiktok settle down a lot. I’m going to take some time off to write some books, and reorganize my channels to more reflect the brand I am looking to establish.

When I first started making content, I did political videos and called out racism, bigotry and misogyny, not only because hate needed to be put in its place, but also because it was the easiest type of content for me to make. I have formed some genuine connections with my audience and have learned so much about myself and the systems of oppression that I as a heterosexual, white, cis male have benefited from.

With that being said, the internal drama that exists on the left on TikTok, the constant hatred from the right, and all the things that I have come to learn about from society have left me tired. Across my 5 TikTok accounts and 2 YouTube channels, I have made over 8000 videos in a little over a year. My followers have come to know me as the guy that calls out discrimination and misinformation, however that is all about to change.

These last 8 years have been both the best and worst of my life. I became an author, web developer and content creator.

I will still make videos of a political nature and defend someone from a marginalized group if I find it. With that being said, that is not the main purpose of my content online.

In an author first, with dreams of one day opening my own animation studio. To do this I will focus on my writing and youtube content first and foremost. As for TikTok, it’s a cesspool and I will use it as a means to an end. It’s main purpose is to direct people to my YouTube, (GameWrites/writing with Devin j parker) and my buy me a coffee blog.

Thank you to all my readers, followers and supporters for all that standing by me as I flip flop out of the niche you came to know me for.

Special thanks to all my readers and paid members of my buy me a coffee blog. You guys together have helped this doofus realize that his dreams are within reach.

When I come back, let’s work together to make this world a better place for everyone in it. it’s time to lead by example and not fight hatred with more hatred. As justified as it may be, I feel that it is changing who we are.

We don’t need to sink to the level of right wingers.

Have a good day my friends, and please, let love be louder.

Also when I come back from my break, you will be relentlessly spammed with book promotions.

Sorry (not sorry) in advance. 🙂

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