Help me energize go clubs, produce free baduk media, and map the weiqi world! 🖤Please consider a monthly donation 🖤
As a (near) full-time Baduk organizer, I dream of a world where gathering around a goban is the favorite weekly activity of millions.
To do this, I spend my time working to support other Baduk organizers in any way that I can.
Help me make an impact in the Go community by buying me a coffee. Thank you for your support!
Recent supporters

Chuck Lauer Vose bought 5 coffees.
Thank you for putting together Baduk. Club! When I was younger there was no way to find used kit, so it was a big deal for me to afford anything. Now with this site I’m able to put together a whole club for the cost I paid for stones 20 years ago. Thank you!

Someone bought 5 coffees.

Maxim Razin bought 3 coffees.
Thanks for the great product!

Bob bought a coffee.
See you soon!

San Diego Go Club bought 5 coffees.
Thank you Octopodes for providing commentary for the 3rd Round in the 13th Annual San Diego Go Championship! You did an amazing job, and elevated the broadcast not just to the viewers online, but also the local attendees on the ground who huddled around all excited watching the stream on a laptop in the main playing hall. We may just be a local Go Club run by volunteers, but we still want to show our appreciation, and say thank you for your time & effort. It meant a lot to us, and the volunteer team here on the ground. We would love to have you back to commentate for our tournament events in the future! :)