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HTML Tutorial By EngineerRohit

1. Introduction to HTML
- Overview of HTML as the foundational markup language for web development.
- Basic structure of an HTML document with a code example.
2. HTML Tags and Attributes
- Explanation of how tags create elements and attributes add extra information.
- Examples of basic tags, such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, lists, and tables.
3. Form Elements
- Input fields, buttons, dropdowns, and text areas with examples.
4. HTML5 New Features
- Introduction to semantic elements like ``, ``, ``, and others.
- Multimedia elements like `` and ``.
- Graphics elements using `` and ``.
- New input types (e.g., `email`, `date`, `range`) and meta tags.
5. Accessibility in HTML
- Using ARIA roles and attributes to enhance accessibility.
6. Conclusion
- A summary encouraging the use of the latest HTML specifications.
It’s structured with consistent formatting and includes clear examples for easy understanding. Would you like to download this as a PDF now?
